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Heating & Cooling Stages for Microscopy | SIMTRUM Photonics Store

Heating & Cryo Stages for Microscopy

SIMTRUM Provides heating and cooling temperature control stage for microscopy application, our temperature stage can cover a temperature range from -190 to 1200 degrees,  with air-tight chamber or Vacuum sealed chamber type.  If you want to test the electronics signal of your device we can provide fix probe pin stage or adjustable probe pin stage based on your requirements.

Temperature RangeChamber TypeOptical PathElectrinical Probe Arm
Optical Heating & Cooling Stage-190°C to 1200°CAir-tight or Vacuum sealedTransmission or Reflection No 
XRD Temperature Control Stage-190°C to1200°CAir-tight or Vacuum sealedTransmission or Reflection No (Customizable)
Electrical Probe Temperature Stage-190°C to 600°CAir-tight or Vacuum sealedTransmission or Reflection Fix probe arm
Electrical Probe Temperature Station-190°C to 600°CAir-tight or Vacuum sealedTransmission or Reflection Adjustable probe arm
Tensile Strain Temperature Stage-190°C to 1200°CAir-tight or Vacuum sealedTransmission or Reflection No(Customizable)

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