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Important: Beware of Fraudulent Emails Impersonating Our CEO | SIMTRUM Photonics Store

Important: Beware of Fraudulent Emails Impersonating Our CEO




Recently, we have become aware of unscrupulous individuals impersonating our CEO and sending emails to clients, which we suspect may be aimed at fraudulent activites. We would like to emphatically remind everyone: Our company's official email addresses are only in the following formats - and We urge all our clients and partners to exercise caution. Any emails not originating from these two addresses, expecially those concerning financial or sensitive information, should be verified before any actions are taken.

We have taken legal measures against such malicious impersonation. We reserve the right to seek legal action against any entity or individual attempting to tarnish our company's reputation or infringe on the rights and interests of our clients.


This is an official statement.


SIMTRUM Marketing