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High Photon Detection Efficiency Systems at Telecom (NIR) Wavelengths

High Photon Detection Efficiency Systems at Telecom (NIR) Wavelengths


+ID281 Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detector    +SNSPD    +Infrared Photon Detection     +Quantum Information



As interests in Quantum Communication and Quantum Information has increased, so to has the demand for high efficency single photon detection systems. High efficiency systems are desired for their abilitiy not only to detect the incoming signals, but also provide experimental assurance - as often, we are testing new devices, electronic or optical components, and require reliable and robust systems to ensure the accuracy of our experimental data. Quantum Information or quantum computing systems demand a reliable quantum efficiency detection rate as it directly translated to the reliability of the system in transmitting or decrypting information. 


This is especially problematic over long physical distances or when the input signal is passed through complex layers of electrical or optical components that are critical in the operation as attenuation becomes a major factor and experimental concern. Typical infrared single photon dectors have a quantum efficiency of 25%, making SNSPD systems the detector of choice for quantum information applications . Superconducting Nanowire Systems typically reach >85% system detection efficiencies, with signifcantly more powerful time tagging electronics.

Other models of Infrared Single Photon Counters 

Clockwise (from top left) : ID281 SNSPD, ID230 IR SPD, IDQube


Superconducting Nanowire systems are often reliable detectors employed in these situations. Describing a recent use case, the ID281 - SNSPD system was used in a test setup for quantum key distribution. Key factors leading to the adoption of the ID281 System was a optimized system detection efficiency of more than 85% for the specified wavelength range along with a multiple channel configuration allowing for ease of integration into complex fiber networks or systems. The high detection efficiency contributed to the viability of experimental procedures  of which signal loss was notable due to attenuation. 

Read more about the article here: 

ID281 SNSPD Quantum Key Distribution Use Case (PDF)*

Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detector (SNSPD - ID 281 by ID Quantique)

Key Specifications

• Reliable and durable performance

• High system detection efficiency : up to 90% 

• Low dark count rate (as low as 1 Hz) 

• Short recovery time and latch-free operation, even at high count rates  

• Low jitter (as low at 20 ps)

• Automated standalone 0.8 K cryostat 

• Integrated control, discrimination and time-tagging electronics

• 16 Channel System

Learn more about the ID281


Timing Electronics - ID900 Time Controller with built-in Data Processing

Time-tagging and real-time histogram display  |  Single-channel jitter: 5.7 ps rms Internal FPGA-based processing (coincidence, conditional outputs, etc.)  |  Delay generation with multi-hit capability  |  Learn More

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*This article is kindly shared with the permission of ID Quantique for marketing and promotional purposes. Disclaimer included in PDF.