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Optical Catalogue Partial Launch (PA 01/2021)


We are proud to announce the first batch of Optical Products that we are ready to launch! Specially designed and vetted with a stringent Quality control process, we aim to deliver high standard, cost effective products. 

Based in Singapore, we provide same day quotation and correspondance locally. Supported by a robust logistic system, we are capable of providing MOQ and ship large quantity orders.


Supporting Researchers locally and internationally, we welcome requests for low order quantities and optics we customised or special wavelength requirements. This service is a trial to assess the range of customer applications we can support. Please drop us and email at with the necessary specifications.


This announcement constitutes a partial launch of the SIMTRUM Optical catalogue and will be constantly updated.

Please Follow Us on Linkedin or Our Company Website for more updates.

DOWNLOAD LINKSIMTRUM Optical Catalogue Partial Launch 1.pdf